Nov 14, 2024
Meet Your Next-Gen Best Friend: REPLIKANT Chat Launches on Steam for Real-time Conversations with Lifelike AI Companions
Chat live with a diverse cast of 3D animated AI buddies, each designed to match and keep up with your unique personality. REPLIKANT Chat creates a safe digital space for you to explore, connect, and get creative—bringing life and immersion to games, e-learning, and storytelling on Steam with secure, cutting-edge artificial intelligence
LOS ANGELES, Calif., Nov 14, 2024 – REPLIKANT, announces the release of REPLIKANT Chat on Steam Early Access, a revolutionary platform that brings streaming entertainment to life with interactive 3D AI characters. Unlike traditional streaming services or chatbots, REPLIKANT Chat offers an immersive experience where users actively participate in various genres—from comedies and dramas to educational adventures and interactive storytelling.
With REPLIKANT Chat, users engage in live conversations with memorable AI companions who adapt and evolve over time, remembering past interactions to create personalized, dynamic experiences. Characters perform in richly detailed, interactive worlds, covering themes like live stand-up comedy, news, children's storytelling, language learning, and even travel planning with virtual exploration.
Breaking away from text-based interactions, REPLIKANT Chat offers a fully immersive experience where users can explore diverse environments and interact with AI companions in a visually rich 3D setting, tailored to their unique personality and style. With the upcoming integration of REPLIKANT's Editor software, powered by Unreal Engine, users will soon be able to design personalized AI companions within custom 3D environments, blending accessible, professional-grade tools with versatile AI character customization.

REPLIKANT Chat: Talk, learn, play with themed AI character personas
REPLIKANT Chat Highlights
Ensemble Cast with Multiple AI Characters: Interact with several AI characters simultaneously within a shared world. Characters can engage with each other, seamlessly entering and exiting scenes
AI Webcam or Image Vision Capabilities: Share and discuss images or videos with AI characters in real-time, enhancing interactive conversations
Persistent Memory Across Sessions: Cultivate lasting relationships with select characters as they remember past interactions, ensuring continuity and depth in storytelling
Evolving Narratives: Experience event-driven storytelling with select characters, delivering fresh experiences as characters develop and storylines unfold across multiple sessions
Multi-Modal Interactions: Engage in dynamic exchanges with AI characters that incorporate sound effects, music, animations, and AI-generated images for a richer experience
Natural Language Communication: Enjoy real-time conversations with characters through speech and text, allowing for intuitive and fluid interactions
Believable Digital Personas: Interact with high-fidelity 3D characters featuring expressive faces and lifelike body movements, enhancing realism in engagement
Popular On-Trend Themes: Explore a wide range of themes, from historical to futuristic, within detailed and atmospheric 3D environments
Cross-Genre Applications: Explore a wide range of interactive experiences, from casual conversations and storytelling to educational simulations, games and planning
"REPLIKANT Chat redefines how we interact with AI," says Luc Schurgers, CTO and founder at REPLIKANT. "By combining advanced AI with real-time 3D graphics and soon user-generated characters and environments, we're empowering users to unleash their creativity for the most personalized and immersive AI interactions.
REPLIKANT Chat sizzle reel:
Kevin Leadingham | Head of Content & Production | Green Our Planet Studios: “Seeing students' faces light up as they engaged with the Crunchy Munchy AI avatar was absolutely inspiring. From the moment it appeared, the kids were fully immersed—asking thoughtful questions and learning with enthusiasm. This technology has truly transformed the classroom into an exciting, interactive space where students are eager to participate. It’s clear that AI, like REPLIKANT Chat, makes learning feel like an adventure, something new and exhilarating every day.”

Credit: Green Our Planet Studios – Elementary school students interact live with Crunchy Munchy while learning STEM and entrepreneurship
REPLIKANT Editor: Creating Personalized Chatbots for REPLIKANT Chat
Complementing REPLIKANT Chat, our existing REPLIKANT Editor software will be adapted to create and edit chatbots specifically for the REPLIKANT Chat platform. This integration will create a powerful ecosystem where users can design their very own AI companions and chat experiences.
REPLIKANT Editor is a no-code platform for 3D content creation, designed to empower creators at all levels to produce broadcast-quality animations and now, advanced chatbots, through an intuitive process. With REPLIKANT Editor, storytellers are able to bring their ideas to life through a five-step process: character building, environment design, scripting, animation and final render.
Our user-friendly interface allows seamless collaboration between developers and digital artists, transforming traditional animation and chatbot creation workflows. With features like real-time avatar control using smartphone cameras and AI-powered script writing, REPLIKANT Editor makes it easier than ever to turn ideas into captivating AI companions for REPLIKANT Chat.
REPLIKANT has already garnered the trust of industry leaders and major studios, collaborating on high-profile projects with renowned brands like FOX, Ford, Apple, HP, Edda Hayes, and the NCAA. With endorsements from tech giants such as NVIDIA and Google, REPLIKANT is poised to reshape the animation landscape, significantly reducing the size of production time and costs while maintaining exceptional quality.
REPLIKANT Chat is available now on Steam Early Access. Join the growing community of creators and explorers shaping the future of personal and secure AI interaction.
Why Early Access?
Be among the first to experience REPLIKANT Chat
Help shape the product with your valuable feedback
Witness the evolution of AI chat technology firsthand
What to Expect
REPLIKANT Chat is an Early Access product, still in active development. Here's what you should know:
The experience may contain some incomplete features and glitches
Regular updates will introduce new content and improvements
Your feedback is crucial in guiding our development process
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PR contact: Siobhán Greene |
REPLIKANT ( is a pioneering technology company developing innovative tools for creating and interacting with AI-powered virtual beings. REPLIKANT’s mission is to push the boundaries of human-computer interaction and unlock the creative potential of AI in a safe creative space.
Prominent clients and partners include: Epic Games, NVIDIA, Factory Rights, HP, Google.
© Copyright 2024 DNABLOCK, Inc. Learn more about REPLIKANT on YouTube, discord, TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn. #MadeWithREPLIKANT
About Green Our Planet Studios
Green Our Planet Studios is redefining the future of education by blending award-winning storytelling with innovative technology to create an immersive learning experience for students. With a focus on educational excellence, Green Our Planet Studios uses cutting-edge technology to help teachers bring their classrooms to life, creating impactful learning journeys that highlight academic growth and personal development. With the help of Green Our Planet Studios, what a student learns will last a lifetime. To learn more, visit